Senin, 20 Desember 2010
Libur Telah Tiba
Jumat, 05 November 2010
Cinta Monyet
It's a New November
Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010
Ultah Pak Yanto
Kamis, 29 Juli 2010
Hello Semua!
Jumat, 23 Juli 2010
Pertama Kali Suka Bola
Senin, 07 Juni 2010
Bumi Kita
Minggu, 06 Juni 2010
Help out the earth a little
Whether or not you perceive global warming as a real or even partial threat, there are things you can do to stop its potential onset. At the very least the steps you can take to prevent global warming are good for the earth and oftentimes your pocketbook as well.
What is global warming?
Basically, global warming is the recent increase in the average air and ocean temperature of the Earth as well as its expected continuation. What is so controversial about it is the actual potential for danger and its causes. Though natural events like volcanoes and solar changes have caused small rises in temperatures over time, many believe that greenhouse gas emissions have a large part in this and that even if the emission levels stabilize, temperatures may continue rising for another thousand years or more. It isi projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that the average globalsurface temperature will probably rise another 1.1-6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during this century. Right now the average temperature of the Earth is about 13 °C, or 56 °F.
Increasing temperatures can lead to rising sea levels, extreme weather events and changes in precipitation. Global warming can also affect agriculture and glacier retreat and can facilitate the spread of disease and the extinctions of species.
Many countries have been working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent global warming; some have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol for this purpose. However, others feel that this is either ineffectual or unnecessary.
Nevertheless, it is important to get the main idea that the Earth is a precious thing and needs taking care of. Whether the world is going to get flooded out or not, we should take action and make decision for the good of the Earth.
With developed nations like the United States emitting the most greenhouse gases, poorer countries like Africa are at the greatest risk of the effects of global warming. Australia suffers because of the hole in the ozone directly above it. Europe seems to be more interested in effecting change in the effects of global warming than the United States is.
A lot of people are concerned that global warming may mean the end of the world; some consider it “doomsday.” Environmental groups have launched campaigns to inform people of the possible effects of global warming.However, many are trying to downplay the potential risks associated with global warming. For instance, fossil fuel organizations like the American Petroleum Institute and ExxonMobil have launched campaigns reducing the bad image of fuel.The global warming issue has become a somewhat important part of the upcoming presidential campaign, with questions directed toward candidates concerning what they plan to do about it. Al Gore has already shown his interest in the issue with his popular film “An Inconvenient Truth.”Hopefully you can learn more about global warming by reading this HubPage and then be inspired to make changes in your own life that can reduce emissions and help the Earth.Our Earth is Dying
So what you may say, everything dies - right? I would argue that the most basic instinct of any species is self-preservation of its kind, and humans are failing in this regard, taking the Earth and all her inhabitants down with their crazed procreation and endless desire for more.
Sizzling climate, mutilated forests, toxic waters, dead oceans - crass, violent, short-sighted and shocking ecological behavior and resultant change. Living as if the Earth has no value is the norm.
The Earth is being slaughtered by surging population and consumption. Threatened. As resource extraction outstrips the natural regenerative powers of natural ecosystems, the basic conditions of life can no longer be assured for much of humanity. Suffering. Soon it will be all of us. Whole species dead.
Just because the Earth's prognosis is full of doom and gloom does not mean it is wrong or should be disregarded. For once put aside the God thing and try to view you and the Earth. Truth can be hard to accept - especially if brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh and other reactionary idiots.
I have hinted in earlier writings about elements of global ecological collapse, which is pending and inevitable given continuation of current trends. But now let us get specific with examples. Our whole way of feeding, housing, transporting and employing ourselves is dependent upon oil.
Peak oil is expected in no more than thirty years. Despite our best intentions, we are running out of cheap energy. In an energy starved, searing and polluted Planet, with inadequate water, unproductive lands and military resource grabs; something must and will give.
First to go will be civilization as we know it. Much of the bloated population is going to be unable to subsist and there will be large-scale movement of ecological refugees; as we see massive panic, looting, starvation, chaos, and pandemics. Would you like some ebola with those tropical timbers?
Now let us examine the ecology of emergent diseases. Bird flu, Ebola, Lyme disease, West Nile and other until recently mostly unknown diseases are indicative of a ravaged, collapsing global ecosystem trying to throw off the human sickness.
Such diseases are a direct manifestation of ecosystem destruction. Entering a previously relatively untouched natural habitat and destroying it releases disease organisms onto landscapes that because of their fragmentation and ecological damage are prone to spread.
To be alive in the 21st century - particularly if one is blessed with an ecological eye - is to suffer. Neurosis, depression, addiction and abuse are endemic and directly caused by distance from nature, shock at the carnage, toxics, over-crowding, etc.
We are electronically connected in unimaginable ways but ultimately are alone and isolated as ever. Does your brain hurt? It should from the savagery that has become modern life.
Our current global trajectory of mass mayhem like universal development of natural ecosystems will continue to lead to intensifying and non-discriminatory suffering and death. Still the college kids party obliviously, when they should be the acolytes of Gaia. Hard to blame them.
The superstitious kooky fascist right including our fearless emperor insist they are for a "culture of life". In practice this appears to mostly be limited to white, faithful, rich business folks. If you are poor, not American - or god forbid another species - you need not apply.
The culture of life is perilously circumspect. Forget about the slaughter of large natural wildernesses behind the curtain, today is the age of Disney's cartoon nature. Patriotism? How about a calling to a higher truth like global interdependence and unity; and the need for equity, justice and sustainability for all?
"Modern" governments and industries, and their leaders, have totally lost track of the fact that we are utterly dependent upon natural ecosystems for our needs. What are we doing to our children's future? Ravaging it.
The global growth machine's ecological violence - leaving a world bereft of potable water, dependable climate and fertile lands - is tantamount to slaughtering our children. Might as well load up school buses and bury them.
The status quo political and business systems careen wildly towards the unknown future of resource scarcity, environmental change and catastrophically collapsing ecosystems and societies. The growth machine controls everything, a few tenths of a point of economic growth are traded for forests daily, and there is a bounty on free green or any other kind of thinkers. The rich think they are immune - they are not.
Just as we speak of individual human death and the extinction of other species, we can speak of the Earth dying. Gaia - the sum of all Earthly ecosystems - can reach a point where it dies. Just as a heart fails, nutrient cycling and climate maintenance within a narrow range can stop. This is happening now.
Are you going to do anything about it and your complicity in the affair? What are the options? Resist, defy, simplify and disobey. Organize, organize, organize. Seek personal, social and Earth redemption. Become a cog in the new world order stinking growth machine.
My best heartfelt advice - head for the hills! If you do not have land, tools and seed from which to subsist, you are living on the bubble economy of the Earth's rape. What goes up is gonna come down. There is going to be hell to pay when the eco-bubble bursts. Back to the Land. Quick!
Clean your own mind and atone for your sins against others and the Earth. Love and live with a piece of land. Revel at sunrises and sunsets, and other natural passings. Stop to smell, feel and see the Earth. Raise your children to value life - all life, every species, every toad, and every bug. Love it all because cumulatively it makes us able to live. And because it is their Earth too.
Band together with like minded folks into anarchistic green self-sufficient communities - for self defense, a rousing social life and green production. Teach your children to connect deeply with the Earth and her webs, not sanctimonious egoistic exhibitionism.
What is so wrong with growing up to be both a global and bioregional citizen, nurturing parent, lover of the land and part of Earth's creation? Live lightly on the land and watch the sky, Earth and water for guidance. Pray to your gods but do not foist them upon others.
The demise of the environmental movement has been greatly exaggerated. Strength. Our movement is a matter of life and death, and we can not afford to fail. Unity. Despite recent assertions to the contrary, environmentalism is not dead. Greenery. If it is, so are we and our Earthly habitat. Life. A bright green vision is your and the Earth's best bet right now. Truth.
We must will sustainability into being, a new way of living with the Earth, that is sane and logical, while being sacred, gentle and lovely. Know, love, study and worship the Earth - logically, spiritually and scientifically or any other way you know how. As goes the Earth shall go mankind (and women, golden retrievers and other species too).
Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010
Perpisahan Kelas 6
Waktu perpisahan aku jga ngisi acara! Seru! Ada game, dan smua gamenya hrus pke kerjasama! Ada acara tukar kado, paduan suara terakhir ank kelas 6! Aku gak akn ngelupain kenangan itu! Waktu doa bersama utk menutup acara aku hampir nangis! Hiks,, hiks,,,
Sekarang tinggal nunggu hasilnya! Wah!! Smoga ak lulus dgn nilai yg memuaskan ya! Kelas 6 ini pling berkesan buat aku! Aku bsa dpet tmen lebih banyak! Di semester satu kami smua hrus kehilangan guru IPA yg kami syang! Hiks,, hiks,,,
Waktu kelas 6 jga aku pernah ikt lomba masak dan IPS!! Lomba masak aku juara tiga! Tapi IPS enggak! Hehehe,, tapi gpp! Ak jdi pnya bnyk pengalaman btapa berharganya kelas 6 ini! Tapi satu yg aku benci! Semenjak kelas 6 ak jdi sering di ejek2 sma ank cwok! Ih... Nyebelin bgt!!
Di kelas 6 ak jdi tau mna hal yg baik dn buruk! Lebih selektif memelih teman! Tapi enggak membeda-bedakan!
Wktu perpisahan ak jga dapet dorprise(nulisnya slah gpp deh) lho! Isinya kalkulator! Lumayan kalkulator yg lengkap! Nnnti kn klo SMP udh bsa dipake!
Tapi temen ku ada yg dpet flahdisk(slah lagi gpp deh)! Ngiri sih! Hehehe,,,
Terimakasih utk = Pak Yanto, Bu Made, Bu Shinta, Bu Jenny, Pak Nolie, Pak Agus, Pak Yusmanto, Madam Suhiati, Li Laoshi, Pak Lukman, Pak Janoto,dan juga Bu Yenny!! Jasa2 ibu bapak guru tak kan terlupakan!!!
Minggu, 28 Februari 2010
“Papa Baca Keras-Keras Ya Pa, Supaya Jessica Bisa Denger"
Pada suatu malam Budi, seorang eksekutif sukses, seperti biasanya sibuk memperhatikan berkas-berkas pekerjaan kantor yang dibawanya pulang ke rumah, karena keesokan harinya ada rapat umum yang sangat penting dengan para pemegang saham.Ketika ia sedang asyik menyeleksi dokumen kantor tersebut, Putrinya Jessica datang mendekatinya, berdiri tepat disampingnya, sambil memegang buku cerita baru.Buku itu bergambar seorang peri kecil yang imut, sangat menarik perhatian Jessica,"Pa liat"! Jessica berusaha menarik perhatian ayahnya.Budi menengok ke arahnya, sambil menurunkan kacamatanya, kalimat yang keluar hanyalah kalimat basa-basi "Wah,. buku baru ya Jes?""Ya papa" Jessica berseri-seri karena merasa ada tanggapan dari ayahnya."Bacain Jessi dong Pa" pinta Jessica lembut"Wah papa sedang sibuk sekali, jangan sekarang deh" sanggah Budi dengan cepat.Lalu ia segera mengalihkan perhatiannya pada kertas-kertas yang berserakkan didepannya, dengan serius.Jessica bengong sejenak, namun ia belum menyerah. Dengan suara lembut dan sedikit manja ia kembali merayu"pa, mama bilang papa mau baca untuk Jessi"Budi mulai agak kesal, "Jes papa sibuk, sekarang Jessi suruh mama baca ya""Pa, mama cibuk terus, papa liat gambarnya lucu-lucu""Lain kali Jessica, sana! papa lagi banyak kerjaan" Budi berusaha memusatkan perhatiannya pada lembar-lembar kertas tadi, menit demi menit berlalu, Jessica menarik nafas panjang dan tetap disitu, berdiri ditempatnya penuh harap, dan tiba-tiba ia mulai lagi."Pa,.. gambarnya bagus, papa pasti suka""Jessica, PAPA BILANG, LAIN KALI!!" kata Budi membentaknya dengan keras.Kali ini Budi berhasil, semangat Jessica kecil terkulai, hampir menangis , matanya berkaca-kaca dan ia bergeser menjauhi ayahnya"Iya pa,. lain kali ya pa?"Ia masih sempat mendekati ayahnya dan sambil menyentuh lembut tangan ayahnya ia menaruh buku cerita di pangkuan sang Ayah."Pa kalau papa ada waktu, papa baca keras-keras ya pa, supaya Jessica bisa denger".Hari demi hari telah berlalu, tanpa terasa dua pekan telah berlalu namun permintaan Jessica kecil tidak pernah terpenuhi, buku cerita Peri Imut, belum pernah dibacakan bagi dirinya.Hingga suatu sore terdengar suara hentakan keras "Buukk!!" beberapa tetangga melaporkan dengan histeris bahwa Jessica kecil terlindas kendaraan seorang pemuda mabuk yang melajukan kendaraannya dengan kencang didepan rumah Budi.Tubuh Jessica mungil terhentak beberapa meter, dalam keadaan yang begitu panik ambulance didatangkan secepatnya.Selama perjalanan menuju rumah sakit, Jessica kecil sempat berkata dengan begitu lirih"Jessi takut Pa, Jessi takut Ma, Jessi sayang papa mama"Darah segar terus keluar dari mulutnya hingga ia tidak tertolong lagi ketika sesampainya di rumah sakit terdekat.Kejadian hari itu begitu mengguncangkan hati nurani Budi, Tidak ada lagi waktu tersisa untuk memenuhi sebuah janji.Kini yang ada hanyalah penyesalan.Permintaan sang buah hati yang sangat sederhana.. pun tidak terpenuhi.Masih segar terbayang dalam ingatan budi tangan mungil anaknya yang memohon kepadanya untuk membacakan sebuah cerita, kini sentuhan itu terasa sangat berarti sekali",...papa baca keras-keras ya Pa, supaya Jessica bisa denger"kata-kata Jessi terngiang-ngiang kembali.Sore itu setelah segalanya telah berlalu, yang tersisa hanya keheningan dan kesunyian hati, canda dan riang Jessica kecil tidak akan terdengar lagi, Budi mulai membuka buku cerita peri imut yang diambilnya perlahan dari onggokan mainan Jessica di pojok ruangan.Bukunya sudah tidak baru lagi, sampulnya sudah usang dan koyak. Beberapa coretan tak berbentuk menghiasi lembar-lembar halamannya seperti sebuah kenangan indah dari Jessica kecil.Budi menguatkan hati, dengan mata yang berkaca-kaca ia membuka halaman pertama dan membacanya dengan suara keras, tampak sekali ia berusaha membacanya dengan keras, Ia terus membacanya dengan keras-keras halaman demi halaman, dengan berlinang air mata."Jessi dengar papa baca ya"selang beberapa kata,.. hatinya memohon lagi"Jessi papa mohon ampun nak""papa sayang Jessi"Seakan setiap kata dalam bacaan itu begitu menggores lubuk hatinya, tak kuasa menahan itu Budi bersujut dan menangis memohon satu kesempatan lagi untuk mencintai.Seseorang yang mengasihi selalu mengalikan kesenangan dan membagi kesedihan kita, Ia selalu memberi PERHATIAN kepada kita karena ia peduli kepada kita.ADAKAH "PERHATIAN TERBAIK" ITU BEGITU MAHAL BAGI MEREKA ?BERILAH "PERHATIAN TERBAIK" WALAUPUN ITU HANYA SEKALIBukankah Kesempatan untuk memberi perhatian kepada orang-orang yang kita cintai itu sangat berharga ?DO IT NOWBerilah "PERHATIAN TERBAIK" bagi mereka yang kita cintai.LAKUKAN SEKARANG !! KARENA HANYA ADA SATU KESEMPATAN UNTUK MEMPERHATIKAN DENGAN HATI KITA
Senin, 01 Februari 2010
Proses Kehidupan
Saat mereka mendekati cangkir itu, tiba-tibacangkir yang dimaksud berbicara "Terima kasihuntuk perhatiannya, perlu diketahui bahwa akudulunya tidak cantik. Sebelum menjadi cangkiryang dikagumi, aku hanyalah seonggok tanah liatyang tidak berguna. Namun suatu hari ada seorangpengrajin dengan tangan kotor melempar aku kesebuah roda berputar.
Kemudian ia mulai memutar-mutar aku hingga akumerasa pusing. Stop ! Stop ! Aku berteriak,Tetapi orang itu berkata "belum !" lalu ia mulaimenyodok dan meninjuku berulang-ulang. Stop!Stop ! teriakku lagi. Tapi orang ini masih sajameninjuku, tanpa menghiraukan teriakanku. Bahkanlebih buruk lagi ia memasukkan aku ke dalamperapian. Panas ! Panas ! Teriakku dengan keras.Stop ! Cukup ! Teriakku lagi. Tapi orang ini berkata "belum !"
Akhirnya ia mengangkat aku dari perapian itu danmembiarkan aku sampai dingin. Aku pikir,selesailah penderitaanku. Oh ternyata belum.Setelah dingin aku diberikan kepada seorangwanita muda dan ia mulai mewarnai aku. Asapnyabegitu memualkan. Stop ! Stop ! Aku berteriak.
Wanita itu berkata "belum !" Lalu ia memberikanaku kepada seorang pria dan ia memasukkan akulagi ke perapian yang lebih panas darisebelumnya! Tolong ! Hentikan penyiksaan ini !Sambil menangis aku berteriak sekuat-kuatnya.Tapi orang ini tidak peduli dengan teriakanku. Iaterus membakarku. Setelah puas "menyiksaku" kiniaku dibiarkan dingin.
Setelah benar-benar dingin, seorang wanita cantikmengangkatku dan menempatkan aku dekat kaca. Akumelihat diriku. Aku terkejut sekali. Aku hampirtidak percaya, karena di hadapanku berdiri sebuahcangkir yang begitu cantik. Semua kesakitan danpenderitaanku yang lalu menjadi sirna tatkalakulihat diriku.
Renungan :
Seperti inilah Tuhan membentuk kita. Pada saatTuhan membentuk kita, tidaklah menyenangkan,sakit, penuh penderitaan, dan banyak air mata.Tetapi inilah satu-satunya cara bagi-Nya untukmengubah kita supaya menjadi cantik danmemancarkan kemuliaan-Nya."Anggaplah sebagai suatu kebahagiaan, apabilakamu jatuh ke dalam berbagai pencobaan, sebabAnda tahu bahwa ujian terhadap kita menghasilkanketekunan. Dan biarkanlah ketekunan itumemperoleh buah yang matang supaya Anda menjadisempurna dan utuh dan tak kekurangan suatuapapun."
Apabila Anda sedang menghadapi ujian hidup,jangan kecil hati, karena Dia sedang membentukAnda. Bentukan-bentukan ini memang menyakitkantetapi setelah semua proses itu selesai, Andaakan melihat betapa cantiknya Tuhan membentukAnda.